Sunday 5 September 2010

weird and wacky story award

And the nominees are:

Little puppy:with his role in ‘being flushed the toilet by a little boy.’

He was eventually rescued by plumbers after firefighters were unable to rescue him. The drama unfolded after four-year-old Daniel Blair decided that his pet cocker spaniel “needed a wash” after getting muddy during a family walks. His mother Alison, 40, checked the drain outside – and heard the dog whimpering - so immediately called 999. But as the fire brigade was unable to reach him she called Dyno-Rod, a plumbing company. Plumbers used a special camera to locate the puppy – lying upside down in a pipe 20 yards away under a neighbor’s house. They then gently nudged him towards the nearest manhole cover where they were able to reach him and take him to safety.
Miss Blair told the Daily Mirror:
"Daniel told me it had got muddy so they put it in the toilet and pulled the chain to give it a wash. I ran into the bathroom but the dog was nowhere to be seen. I assumed it was dead.
"I went into the garden, managed to lift up the drain cover and was amazed to hear him crying.” Miss Blair, of Northolt, Middlesex, called the fire brigade and RSPCA but neither could get him out. Daniel has since apologized. He said: "I had to give him a wash. I'm so, so sorry. I won't do it again."

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