Monday 13 December 2010

day dream photostory board/ auditions

These pictures are the ones we took during our audition process.
Our main aim was to try and get shots similar to our story board so we could see what they looked like, aswell as try and see if shots hat we were quiet unsure about whjere acheivable.
These are the actors we have chosen to have for our film.
Joshouah freeland was chosen because he worked well with rebbecca , as hey were good friends. However this didn’t mean that we didn’t have problems, with directions, sometimes they didn’t know what we ment by by “do this” so we just had to actually show them or show them the story board which wokred.

We also chose akin because he worked well with rebbecca after he let loos as he was very closed and gave the impression of discomfort in the beginning, however as ime went on he got into the role and looked on on the camera.
The shots taken are some of the shots in the day dream sequence which was our main worry as we didn’t know how we were going to execute them but this audiion also allowed us to be able to practice these hots which we kept in the end.

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