Friday, 15 October 2010

final treatment

Pitch: 'Woman' is 19-20 years old. She is romantically involved with 2 men at the same time without them knowing. She uses them like a puppeteer, and from doing so she gains attention and feels good about herself. However what she doesn't realise is her lies are tampering with the red strings of fate she has made with the men, and how easily they can break.

We are introduced to ‘woman’, laying sideways, panning up from the bottom of her bed to her face; her eyes open a few seconds before her alarm goes, off. We have a shot from under her bed on the other side, of her putting on her red slippers.
Switch to a scene of a bedroom showing how clean and organised this woman is, she walks past the camera in her towel. Around her vanity table we see various pictures of her with various men, past lovers and boyfriends. Red flowers sit in a vase on the table as well as red gift packages. There are close ups of her doing her red, nails, and applying her red lipstick. Woman she walks over to her wardrobe, and opens the door. As it closes we see her in a changed outfit. In her reflection she smoothes her hair and giggles, looks upward as she thinks of her two lovers.
We see a montage of her and two men, being intimate, touching hands, lightly kissing her neck and cheeks and embracing her, we see both boyfriends have done this in the past as she recalls it.
We return to reality as we follow her downstairs and into the dining room, were we see a laid table for a meal, we watch as she adds the finishing touches, bringing in Chinese to set down, a focus on her hand as she licks her fingers from the food and lights a candle.
'Ding dong' we hear the door bell ring, and just before she walks to the door, she notices and pulls off a fraying red tread from her top, she smiles to herself and just
As she opens the door we cut to the abstract room, we see the 'Woman' facing one of the men, she looks at him and while laughing crooks her finger in front of her in a suggestive manner, thus pulling on the red string attached, which then pulls him forward./ woman standing in the foreground, of the shot with the men behind, her and she puts up her stringy fingers, and pulls one man forwards, as she does so We cut back to the house scene as she pulls him through the door and hugs him; in excitement, she leads him by the hand to the kitchen/living room where table is set. Her lover closes the door behind him however not properly leaving the door ajar

the two sit down and have their meal, we switch back to abstract scenes and have fast edits of the string unravelling, and her whispering in the current mans ears, when we switch back to reality she pulls back from kissing, him on the cheek.
She then leans over to pick up a fortune cookie, and read ‘…………’ as she does so we cut to her other man, walking to her door, about to knock he notices, the door isn’t closed properly, in suspicion he calls out for her and walks into the hose, to were the two, are on their date. We cut back to woman who is confused from the message, and looks up, and sees her second lover, over the first ones shoulder. Her face says it all< and the man across the table, is confused and looks back to find man number two, holding red roses. She quickly tries to explain her self, in panic, but this does not work as each man’s face begins to change.
We cut back to abstract scene which shows, the strings going out of control, and cut back to reality with men shouting and arguing, on each side of her, spilling wine, throwing the roses ect… whilst in the middle woman does nothing, but sheds a tear, we constantly cut back and forth from reality to the abstract scene. This shows everything spiralling out of control with men spinning around her, and acting all crazy.
In the reality scene camera zooms into her face and the silent and slow motion chaos around her is stooped, both men tell her its over at the same time/ which in the abstract world shows the breakage of the strings. The screen is black

And we go back to woman bedroom the next morning. Her alarm goes off, and she is still sleeping, throwing it to her wall. She gets up in yesterdays clothes and make up, and shifts her red slippers to the side, we go to her table, where everything is all messed up, her flowers are dead, and the water is dirty, all her cosmetics are smear and all over the place, the clothes in her cupboard are messed up, we cut back to abstract scene with woman sitting on the floor alone, staring at the broken strings on her fingers.

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