Sunday 3 October 2010

made in dagenham

A few weeks ago we went to watch made in Dagenham by Nigel Cole This film was very moving and kind of made me feel really good at the end of it. It is basically about the fight/ protest women of ford in the 60’s had to go through to get equal pay.
At the end of the screening we were lucky enough to have a Q&A session with the producer of the film Nigel Cole
From this I found out that the film was originally meant to be called ‘we want sex’ but due to some rules about the things which can and connote be advertised on bus sides and newspapers ect... in Brittan the name was changed to made in Dagenham, however in other countries like France were the film is also released it is called we want sex.
The film was released there as well as countries like Finland and Spain because these, just like Brittan also have trouble, getting their films known and accredited worldwide, so it’s kind of like a companionship.
The film was shot on location, and we also found out that a lot of the locations were found based on luck. Overall I learnt about a lot about film making and the detail in character building. he taught us that each character has a way of being that should be followed through so that even though they are not main, or always seen we know the kind of person they are, because every time we see them they do things which reflect their character. for example, Lisa is known as the outrageous one because of all the things she does, and we kind of expect her to do some of these things too. i also learnt things about film making in Brittan, it also taught me that even big movie, producers have troubles and complications which are overcome, giving me a bit more confidence for my future filming.

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