Sunday 3 October 2010

story ideas

Our first and in my opinion best story is the story of a, woman who is stringing a number of men along, in secret, who all really like her and want commitments which she cannot accept but however cannot give reasons why. This confusion as to why she cannot, for each man becomes the drive which leads them to find out what has been going on and breaking up with her. If we did go ahead we planned to show this through a red string which would be tired to each man and the woman showing that she linked to them.
If we did chose this story I guess we would really develop this more as I believe it has great potential. especially with the ideas which we had for this story idea like having a kind of sin city kind of theme, by having the whole film in black and white but the significant red string in colour. but as i said this story needs to be a little bit more developed

The second one was the love between a man and no, not a woman but a dog.
This is also a touching love story which is not at all typical
This story is basically about a man and a dog who share a never ending love, which is tested when the dog sadly has a really bad accident which changes the way he used to be, and needs treatment and attention that his owner cannot provide him with, so he is stuck, living this hard life or giving the dog to be put down.
We felt that although this was a gloomy topic, it wasn’t too die, die, die and it was different but the main reason this film would not be achievable was because of the DOG. Getting a trained dog, on a desired day would be very hard in its self let alone shooting.

The other story was a very simple story but had so many things which we could do with it. The story is about a great dancer, who had to drop out of school, for not yet decided reasons. But in the end he has no qualifications, and ends up as a janitor. One day as he is cleaning up a school hall, he sees the stage and goes on and gives the best performance ever of his life to his imaginary audience in his head, whilst doing this, a dance teacher walks past and lets him know about a dance audience which could change his life. We found this interesting as it was simple and well thought out.

The last story was inspired by what I saw in hospital when visiting my aunt.
In hospital in labor wards, some women may be seen wearing red tags or bands on

their hands representing that they are being watched and cannot be alone with their newborn children unless for feeding, due to mental illnesses or abusive history, a lot of the time it is women that are let out of prison for birth.
My story is then about a woman who is labeled as crazy because she knows too much, and is ripped apart from her child, from the very day it is born.

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