Monday 4 October 2010

story number 4- treatment



Michelle is a 27 year old pregnant woman diagnosed with a Personality disorder, which causes her to become different people at different times, this puts her in dangerouse sitations a majority of the time.

She is due to give birth to her first child, but is aware of the fact that she will be on watch, meaning that she will not be able to spend anytime alone with her child without supervision, for health and safety puposes.

While in the hospital, she patiently aawaits the coutrs to come up with a verdict on wether on not she will be able to ever have her child, or wether it will be taken away from her. the story ends with her getting the phone call from the coutrs, as she is unable to attend, as she needs time to heal from the birth. the reseults of the phone call is however verver reveald as she drops the phone, leaving the audience wondering.

The story basiclly follows the struggles she has to go through knowing that she cannot be with her child, for being crazy, when she realy isnt.

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